Thundering Hooves Gymkhana

Show Information

Greetings to all Thundering Hooves District 23 riders, volunteers, parents and friends.

Are we ready to start our 32 year of CGA Gymkhana? I know I am. With the kind of year 2020 has dealt us, I’m pretty sure you are too. So let’s get to it.

First off, PLEASE remember all of our safety rules. Wear your mask when signing up, stand 6′ apart at all times, wash your hands and use sanitizer as often as possible.

2. When you get to the fair grounds, try not to park on top of each other. Be respectful and make sure you have given enough space for 2.5 horses standing tail to tail.

3. Get there early so you can pick up your riders / membership package. One per family. Please make sure all information is filled out correctly and bring your CGA membership card. If your rider is under 18, you as a parent must sign the registration forms and be on the grounds while your child is riding. If not, a note from you must designate who has guardianship over decision making on be have of your child.

4. ALL riders must attend the riders meeting at the beginning of the show, preferable with your horse in the main arena right after Leadline. Lead liners need be ready to ride as close to 9:00 as possible. A 10 minute gate call will be announced prior to the start.

5. Please make arrangements for your food needs, we are not allowed to serve food at this time.

6. Volunteer when you can. None of us knew what to do until we were taught. Part of participation is to assist your judge in the arena. Weather your a rider, parent, boy friend or someone who would like to just help, we need everyone’s help to make this show season a success.

7. Be safe, be smart and have fun. We understand that this is a lot to take in and the first show is always crazy.

Any questions you can call me at anytime or any of the officers. We look forward to meeting you this Saturday.

President, Virginia Leighton